We have been involved in analyzing thousands of jobs in various industries over the past 30 years.

Alaska Airlines
Legal/Expert TestimonyPerformed detailed biomechanical assessment of baggage handling utilizing a motion capture (MOCAP), surface EMG and ground reaction forces utilizing force plates to determine preferred manual material handling postures while working inside the cargo areas of a 737 aircraft. The evaluation of the various other baggage handling conditions, planeside operations and belt conveyors were analyzed with respect to low back and shoulder biomechanical loading utilizing a (MOCAP) system and surface EMG.

Workplace ErgonomicsEvaluate biomechanical loading of the upper extremities and neck compared to tradition desks while performing office work. Investigated the differences in spinal and lower extremities pressure profiles in a reclined seating environment compared to one with traditional office seating and desk.

Workplace Ergonomics, Legal/Expert TestimonyLegal/Expert Testimony
Provide expert review track maintenance and locomotive personnel positions with respect to cumulative trauma disorders, test and analyze hand arm vibration and electromyographic data with respect to maintenance operations and ISO standards.
Workplace Ergonomics
Conduct site inspection to evaluate the presence of ergonomic risk factors for the development of trigger finger and carpal tunnel syndrome.

Workplace ErgonomicsConduct ergonomic review of seat adjustability in various cars and trucks to determine usability as fleet vehicles for individuals with pre-existing musculoskeletal conditions.

Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Railway Co.
Workplace ErgonomicsLegal/Expert Testimony
Conduct whole body vibration (WBV) measurements related to ride quality and ISO guidelines as well as the EU Directive in various types of locomotives and seat types. Evaluate postural demands of railroad employees as they relate to the likelihood of developing various musculoskeletal disorders.
Workplace Ergonomics
Compare ride quality in certain geographical areas to ISO 2631-1 and ISO 2631-5 as well as EU Directive concerning whole body vibration.

Canada Post Corporation
Workplace Ergonomics, Legal/Expert TestimonyInvestigate the loads on the shoulders relative to a single strap satchel versus a dual strap satchel with a waist belt. Investigate the lower extremity and physiological demands of delivering mail with a cart versus a dual satchel in a return to work environment. Investigate how handling and reading mail affect the ability to recognize slip/trip/fall hazards on route as well as the severity of the type of slip. These studies utilized heart rate monitors, surface EMG, eye tracking, as well as tribology related measurements.

Consolidated Rail Corporation (Conrail)
Legal/Expert TestimonyReview documents, conduct site visits and prepare reports relative to litigation.

CSX Transportation Inc
Legal/Expert TestimonyReview documents, conduct site visits and prepare reports relative to litigation for various railroad crafts and FELA claims.

Workplace ErgonomicsConduct ergonomic assessment of transcription workstations and provide ergonomic recommendations to reduce musculoskeletal stress.
Perform analysis of warehousing and manual material handling as it related to rack design, storage containers and picking equipment. Recommend modification to reduce musculoskeletal stress to the low back and shoulders.

General Dynamics
Workplace ErgonomicsConduct evaluation of 18 different pairs of knee pads to determine which ones induce the least amount of pressure to the wearer under controlled testing conditions using flexible surface pressure matting.

Product EvaluationDetermine the impact of various pen characteristics on writing stress utilizing surface EMG and pressure sensing materials to measure pen point pressure relative to muscle activity loading.

Home Depot
Workplace ErgonomicsEvaluate the unloading and sorting of merchandise by team members relative to a claim brought against them as it pertains to staffing levels as well as shoulder and low back musculoskeletal injuries.

Kohler Corporation
Workplace ErgonomicsEvaluate the physiological and strength requirement to perform various tasks to determine what percentage of the female industrial population would have sufficient aerobic and strength capabilities.

Legal/Expert TestimonyPerform analysis of electrical pole climbing with spurs while performing traditional high wire activities to determine plantar loading using insole force sensors. Perform an analysis of wheelchair ramp handling and storage at various platform locations.

Metropolitan Transit Authority – MTA (NEW YORK/Connecticut)
Legal/Expert TestimonyPerform analysis of postural and physical biomechanical demands related to coach cleaning and seat design characteristics.

New Jersey Transit
Legal/Expert TestimonyPerform postural and biomechanical force demands on a variety of railroad personnel.

Norfolk Southern Corporation
Legal/Expert TestimonyConduct biomechanical assessment of lifting track equipment. Conduct ergonomic assessment of seating and cab environment for track equipment. Conduct whole body vibration assessment of track equipment.

Port of Portland
Workplace ErgonomicsEvaluate the whole body vibration characteristics of various trades while working on a dredging barge and compare to ISO and EU guidelines relative to health, safety and comfort.

SEPTA (South Eastern Pennsylvania Transit Authority)
Legal/Expert TestimonyPerform workplace assessments relative to manual material handling activities, postural demands and biomechanical loading for various crafts within the organization.

TriMet (Public Tranportation in the Portland Oregon metro area)
Workplace ErgonomicsConduct electromyographic (EMG) analysis of muscle activity levels associated with steering, braking and accelerating in various types of buses in order to reduce postural and muscle forces while operating buses.

United Airlines
Legal/Expert TestimonyPerformed a detailed assessment of baggage handling activities in response to an OSHA citation at a hub. The evaluation of the various handling conditions, planeside, in the pit, piers and off-loading conveyors were analyzed with respect to low back biomechanical loading as well as muscle activity analysis of the upper and lower extremities utilizing motion capture (MOCAP) system and surface EMG.

United States Postal Service (USPS)
Workplace ErgonomicsDetermine the task specific physiological demands utilizing heart rate elevation to determine how modifications in route design/automation will impact likelihood of whole body fatigue.
Past Work
We have been involved in analyzing thousands of jobs in various industries over the past 30 years.
Alaska Airlines
Allied Signal
Armstrong World Industries
Beloit Corporation
Bendix King
Best Foods Baking Group
Bluebird Bus
Boston Scientific
Brooklyn Union Gas
Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Railway Co.
Canada Pacific Rail
Canada Post Corporation
City of North York
Codman & Shertleff
Compaq Computer
Consolidated Rail Corporation (Conrail)
Consumers Power
Contract Interiors
CSX Transportation Inc
Department of Labor – OSHA
Department of Labour Canada
Diamond Star Motors
Egan Visuals
Electrocom Automation
Federal Mogul
Ford - Chihuahua Mexico
Ford - Cleveland
Ford - Milan
Ford - St. Louis
Ford - Ypsilanti
General Dynamics
General Motors de Mexico
GM - Flint
GM - Lansing SPO
GM Truck & Bus - Janesville WI
Hoffmann La Roche
Home Depot
John Deere
Johnson & Johnson
Kellogg Foods
Kohler Corporation
Long Island Lighting Company
Long Island Railroad
Los Angeles County MTA
M&M Mars Corp
MacMillan Bloedel
Metropolitan Transit Authority – MTA (NEW YORK/Connecticut)
Nabisco Biscuit Company
Navistar - Indianapolis
Navistar - Melrose Park
New Jersey Transit
Norfolk Southern Corporation
Norfolk Southern Railroad
North American Waste Management
OK Industries
Pan Pacific Hotels
Pitney Bowes
Port of Portland
Procter and Gamble
Rockwell International
Royal Saudi Arabian Air Force
Salt River Project
Schneider Meat Processing
Scott Paper
SEPTA (South Eastern Pennsylvania Transit Authority)
Sikorsky Helicopter
Simmons Mattress
Solvay Automation
Sony Music
Sun Microsystems
Symbol Technologies
Taylor Corporation
Thermoking Corporation
Tokio Marine
Topps Corporation
Transport Canada
TriMet (Public Tranportation in the Portland Oregon metro area)
Tur Pak Foods
Tyco International
U.S. Precision Lens
U.S. Surgical Corp.
United Airlines
United States Postal Service (USPS)
United Technologies Automotive
USG Interiors
Vistalab Medical
W.L. Gore & Associates
Westinghouse Furniture
Yahama Musical Instruments